Tuesday, May 1, 2018


FLESH: thoughts not rooted in righteousness - no kind of God influence 

“Nothing good can come from a mind that gives into every desire....”

If you gave into every desire, every want, every craving...where would you be? 

I’ve learned that you can’t do this. I’ve learnd this in SO many ways. Painful ways.. which we will get to in the future.

One BIG problem I always had with food, was giving in to it whenever I thought of it. I couldn’t tell myself no. Heck, I couldn’t even tell myself to stop when I was full. I would emotionally binge eat and then feel bad for myself after, which I have mentioned before. I felt like I had no control over this aspect (or many aspects) of my life. 

I knew I had to gain control. I figured out what I had to do. As a Christian, gaining control meant I had to give someone else control..and that meant letting Jesus take the reigns on my life. I’m not saying that my struggle with food is what brought me to Jesus..(I was saved long before that) but I knew He could help me with this, because He loves me so much and helped me so much already. 

See, it helps to surround yourself with like minded people. Look at the people you spend the most time with...coworkers, friends, family...have they reached goals that you wish to obtain? Do you take advice from other Christians? Do you ask for advice from 
friends that are where you want to be? Be aware of who you allow to feed into your soul. 

Jesus removed people from my life. He added new people in. 
He allowed these new people around me to lead me. I learned that God shows you things and speaks to you in many ways. Through other Christians, through His word, sometimes a dream..my goals were a lot easier to obtain with a group of women who had the same goals as me.

When I let God take the reigns, He literally took full control of my life. I was able to realize that I CAN take control of my own thoughts. Obsessive thoughts, anxious thoughts..you name it. When you have a higher power above yourself and you are able to look to  Christ.. you are able to make all of your thoughts obedient to Him. 

Some of us don’t know how to be. Some of us don’t know when to say no, some of us can’t figure out the right way...but luckily we have God’s word to guide us, when we don’t know what to do. 

You’ve got to get out of the middle and see things from God’s point of view. 

Now, back to my first question...
What if we gave into everything we wanted? 

What happens AFTER you’ve had all that you wanted? 

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